Fantasy Field

Fantasy Field is a platform where sports lovers can play any fantasy game with fun and win money using their sports knowledge.


Workflows talk about the Why. Why is this experience important? Within the agreed scope of work, designers identify key experiences and corresponding user goals. This is materialized into user experience flows that also talk about design problems and opportunities for individual screens.

Creative Croo Banner Image


Wireframes talk about the Hows and the Whats. They are the proposed solutions for the design problems listed in workflows. They talk about functionality, information hierarchy, and layouts.

Meetup Img
Meetup Img
Meetup Img
Meetup Img

Join League

This screen helps users to create their own teams and join their interested leagues as quickly as possible.

Meetup Img
Meetup Img

Home Screen

The home page is used to facilitate navigation to other pages on the app by providing links to prioritized and recent pages. This screen avoids multiple drill-downs to see their important info.